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高炉余能余热驱动ICR Brayton CHP装置的经济性能建模与计算分析
Exergoeconomic Performance of an ICR Brayton CHP Plant Driven by Residual Energy and Heat of Blast Furnace Modeling and Calculation Analysis

摘    要
标    签 高炉余能余热   有限时间热力学   利润率   效率   Blast furnaces residual energy and heat   Finite time thermodynamics   Profit rate   Exergy efficiency  
Adopting finite time thermodynamics, a variable-temperature heat reservoirs endoreversible intercooled regenerative (ICR) Brayton combined heat and power (CHP) plant driven by residual energy and heat of blast furnace is established. Profit rate and exergy efficiency are taken as the objective function, and the performances of the plant are investigated using finite time exergoeconomic analysis. By detailed numerical examples, the general and optimal performances are analyzed, and the intercooling pressure ratio distributions corresponding to the optimal profit rate and optimal exergy efficiency are obtained. The effects of the design parameters (such as intercooling degree, regeneration degree, heat supply temperature, et al.) on the performances of the plant are analyzed.

中图分类号 TK12


所属栏目 研究与探索

基金项目 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)项目(2012CB720405);国家自然科学基金(10905093)

收稿日期 2013/4/18





引用该论文: Yang Bo,Chen Lingen,Sun Fengrui. Exergoeconomic Performance of an ICR Brayton CHP Plant Driven by Residual Energy and Heat of Blast Furnace Modeling and Calculation Analysis[J]. Power & Energy, 2013, 34(3): 221~225
杨博,陈林根,孙丰瑞. 高炉余能余热驱动ICR Brayton CHP装置的经济性能建模与计算分析[J]. 电力与能源, 2013, 34(3): 221~225


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