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A GPU-Based Algorithm for the Simulation of X-Ray Cone-Beam Imaging

杨涛   赵星  
摘    要
标    签 X射线成像   模拟   图形处理器   分类   采样   X-ray imaging   Simulation   Graphics processing unit(GPU)   Classification   Sampling  
To accelerate the simulation of X-ray cone-beam imaging, a GPU(graphics processing unit) based algorithm is proposed in this paper. The algorithm generates X-ray image by accumulating the contribution of voxels along each X-ray. Intersection lengths of these voxels with X-ray are calculated by classifying the intersection types, which reduces the time-consuming dynamic branches compared to the famous incremental Siddon algorithm. To improve image quality, sampled values along X-ray are computed by GPU hardware supported linear interpolation instead of nearest interpolation used by the incremental Siddon algorithm. The experiment of the projection calculation of Shepp-logan phantom shows that the simulation speed is improved by 44% averagely as compared to the GPU-based incremental Siddon algorithm and a better image quality is achieved. Finally, the proposed algorithm is validated by the experiment with real measured data.

中图分类号 TG115.28 TP391


所属栏目 科研成果与学术交流

基金项目 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60972140,60971131);北京市自然科学基金资助项目(3102009);北京市教委科技发展计划资助项目(KM201010028001)

收稿日期 2011/1/18





引用该论文: YANG Tao,ZHAO Xing. A GPU-Based Algorithm for the Simulation of X-Ray Cone-Beam Imaging[J]. Nondestructive Testing, 2011, 33(12): 6~13
杨涛,赵星. 基于图形处理器的X射线锥束成像模拟算法[J]. 无损检测, 2011, 33(12): 6~13

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